Aromatherapy For Health And Well-being
The earth laughs in flowers – by unknown
As human residents of planet Earth, hardly a moment goes by when we are not reminded of our dependance on plants and their uses. We use a broad variety of plant life for oxygen, food, clothing, building, and to bring harmony and balance into our homes and outdoor surroundings. Plants have many beautiful qualities, but the plants themselves are not the only bounty. The essential oils that are extracted from plant leaves, flowers, stems, roots, or bark are incredible tools for us to use, both in our everyday lives and for when we are seeking natural remedies for more serious issues.
Essential oils carry the essence of the plants in such a potent form that a single drop of essential oil can equal multiple teaspoons of the dried herb (for instance, 1 drop of peppermint oil equals more than 25 cups of peppermint tea!).
Many essential oils have antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antibiotic properties. In addition to these impressive qualities, they often also transfer very pleasurable sensory experiences within minutes because of their fragrances and restorative natures, making them impactful on our brain chemistry, emotional well-being, and spiritual wellness.
I was interviewed by Claire from the Simple Luxe Living Blog on how we can use aromatherapy in our day to day life to achieve optimal health and well-being. Read the interview over on the Simple Luxe Living Blog here